Quantex AG
Macro Analysis and Investing Strategy
Bottom-up Approach for better Results
Presentation of Quantex Global Value Fund / Quantex Multi Asset Fund
Short Review of present SAMBA Flex Portfolio and Asset Allocation / Outlook 2023 (Mrs. Gabriela Stadler / Mr. Markus Kaeser)
Is our Asset Allocation still valid? Feedback from the Investment Core Group.
What can be improved in the present SAMBA Flex Portfolio?
Homework: Investment proposals by the participants to:!
Important points to keep in mind:
To mark the next SAMBA Roundtable events of 2022 in your calendar (content can still be adjusted):
Note: This is not an investment advice, and for informational and educational purposes only!
Dr. Marc-André Schauwecker, President, SAMBA
Mrs. Gabriela Stadler, Gaia Management AG / Mr. Markus Kaeser, SIS Group AG
All participants