Introduction and Review last Roundtable 5min (Mr. Marc-André Schauwecker)
Status SAMBA Flex Portfolio, Asset Allocation, Outlook 20min (Mrs. Gabriela Stadler/Markus Käser)
Discussion about the market situation and outlook 20min (all participants)
AGFIF Market view / Structured Product / Portfolio Börsenradio 15min (Mr. Mojmir Hlinka, AGFIF AG)
Review of present SAMBA Flex Portfolio and Asset Allocation / active discussion (Mrs. Gabriela Stadler/Markus Käser)
Review 2022 and Outlook 2023
Is our Asset Allocation still in line with the market?
What can be improved in the present SAMBA Flex Portfolio? Your input?
Market view by AGFIF AG (Mr. Mojmir Hlinka, AGFIF AG)
Opinion of an insider about the global financial markets?
Explanation of the existing global equity certificate
A look into the portfolio of Börsenradio
Important points to keep in mind:
Link to the SAMBA document folder:
We will update the SAMBA Flex Portfolio file approx. every two weeks and load it onto the above document folder
Study in advance the files Watchlist (EXCEL) and the last SAMBA Flex Portfolio (PDF)
IMPORTANT: Send us in advance your investment ideas for our watchlist / SAMBA Flex Portfolio to:
To mark the next SAMBA Roundtable events of 2022 in your calendar (content can still be adjusted):
Roundtable 15: 18 January 2023 via ZOOM at 12:00h: Presentation of about Blockchain, Crypto Currency, NFT
Roundtable 16: 15 February 2023 via ZOOM at 12:00h: Presentation of Alpinum / Marcuard Heritage Family Office about key products
Roundtable 17: 15 March 2023 via ZOOM at 12:00h: Presentation of Quantex about Global Funds
Note: This is not an investment advice, and for informational and educational purposes only!
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