SAMBA Investment Roundtable Review
- Introduction and Review last Roundtable 5min (Dr. Marc-André Schauwecker)
- Status SAMBA Flex Portfolio and Asset Allocation 15min (Mr. Markus Kaeser / Mrs. Gabriela Stadler)
- Discussion about the market situation and outlook 25min (all participants)
- AGFIF Market view / Portfolio Börsenradio 15min (Mr. Mojmir Hlinka, AGFIF AG)
Review of the current illustrative SAMBA Flex Portfolio and Asset Allocation / active discussion
- Is our Asset Allocation still in line with the market?
- What can be improved in the current illustrative SAMBA Flex Portfolio?
- We expect participants to provide investment suggestions to improve the existing portfolio!
Market view by AGFIF AG
- Opinion of an expert about the global financial markets?
- A look into the portfolio of Börsenradio
Important points to keep in mind:
- Link to the SAMBA document folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5dkq5bsaibrqq7c/AADrSsf-pgpBk6FErRzvALrra?dl=0
- We will update the SAMBA Flex Portfolio file approx. every two weeks and load it onto the above document folder
- Study in advance the files Watchlist (EXCEL) and the last SAMBA Flex Portfolio (PDF)
- IMPORTANT: Send us in advance your investment ideas for our watchlist / SAMBA Flex Portfolio to: info@swissmbas.com
To mark the next SAMBA Roundtable events of 2022 in your calendar (content can still be adjusted):
- Roundtable 11: 14 September 2022 via ZOOM at 12:00h: Presentation by Seilern Investment Management, SAMBA Portfolio Flex review
- Roundtable 12: 20 October 2022 with physical presence at 18:00h: Zwei Wealth Experts AG, Genferstrasse 35, Zurich
- Roundtable 13: 23 November 2022 via ZOOM at 12:00h: AGFIF Market View and portfolio Börsenradio, SAMBA Portfolio Flex review,
- Roundtable 14: 21 December 2022 via ZOOM at 12:00h: Review Investment year 2022, Outlook 2023, SAMBA Portfolio Flex review
Note: This is not an investment advice, and for informational and educational purposes only!
Please click on the Zoom link below to join the event:
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Passcode: 564007
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