Luncheon with Thomas Wellauer, Chairman of SIX

  • 9th November 2023
  • Bahnhofstrasse 41 in the bar, Zürich 8001
  •  11:45 AM - 02:00 PM
  • Physical

Event Detail Information

Thomas’ speech about “Digital Assets” will be followed by a Q&A session and a flying lunch.


To register, contact

To register, please reply to this e-mail before Monday, November 6, 2023. Early registration is highly recommended: most recent events were overbooked.


Pre-payment only (before Monday, November 6, 2023)

  • By TWINT to +41 79 875 97 92 (to: Yury Glazkov)
  • Via Bank transfer to:
    IBAN: CH52 0020 6206 2410 0101 G
    BENEFICIARY: Wharton Alumni Club of Switzerland; address: Vignes 37, 1299 Crans (VD)

In both cases, please indicate your name and the keyword “SIX”.