asc impact forestry fund gets 25 million euros for investment in Sub-Saharan Africa

21st October 2022 Articles

Munich,rnSeptember 12, 2022 - The ascrnimpact forestry fund celebrates a successful first closing with investmentsrnexceeding the 25 million euro mark. The investment in sustainable forestry inrnSub-Saharan Africa is associated with strong positive impacts for the climate.rnInvestors mainly from the DACH region are part of the first closing.


The asc impact forestry fund will invest in arnbroadly diversified portfolio of up to 20 sustainable forestry projects inrnSub-Saharan Africa. All projects will be actively managed by the management team.rnThe investments are mainly made in regions characterized by high deforestationrnrates and a strongly growing demand for sustainably produced timber.


In addition, the investment opportunitiesrncombine other strengths: Over the entire life cycle, up to 5,000 jobs arerncreated, significantly increasing the prosperity of local communities.rnFurthermore, the forests store up to 2,400,000 tons of CO2 annually over thernlife of the fund. Due to the excellent growing conditions and the high localrndemand for wood, the asc impact forestry fund manages to generate remarkablernreturns.


"After an intensive start-up phase andrnstrenuous fundraising, we are extremely happy to have achieved more than 25rnmillion euros in the first closing," says Christian Winkler, one of thernmanaging directors of asc impact GmbH. "With this, we can alreadyrninitially acquire three to four sustainable forestry projects in Sub-SaharanrnAfrica. We also placed particular emphasis on making our fund attractive torninstitutional investors." 


"Sustainable forestry is a necessary steprnto protect vulnerable areas in Sub-Saharan Africa from increasingrndeforestation, to strengthen employment in rural areas as well as to fightrnclimate change. The asc impact team manages to combine sustainability and returns.rnThis approach convinced us to invest. We are very pleased to be part of thernfirst closing", says FlorianrnRahmann from Survista Financial Advisors AG.


The founding team of asc impact - initiator ofrnthe asc impact forestry fund - combines decades of agricultural and forestryrnexpertise with venture capital, start-up and legal experience. The result is arncomplementary team with a relevant track record.


Karl Ernst Kirchmayer, Co-founder of asc impactrnGmbH says, "Our family has been sustainably managing soils and forests inrnAustria and Eastern Europe for over 300 years. This experience now enables usrnto invest in emerging growth markets in Sub-Saharan Africa and manage the landrnthere sustainably for decades."


"The asc impact team recognized early onrnthat Africa will be the continent of great opportunity in this century and withrnthe asc impact forestry fund gave investors an excellent chance to participaternin this potential. The promised sustainability approach as well as a focus onrnthe education of local people is of great importance in our investment strategyrnand has been one of the many motivations for our investment," underlinesrnthe managing director of a Bavarian family office.


The first projects of the fund in Sub-SaharanrnAfrica are already under implementation. Project regions are being sustainablyrnand carefully selected in line with our investment criteria. Together with ourrnlocal partners, areas and tree species are carefully selected. With thisrnstrategy, the asc impact forestry fund is taking on a pioneering role in thernfield of sustainable forestry.


"A key point for my support was ascrnimpact's sustainability approach and the multifaceted and entrepreneurial team,rnwhich resonates with me. The fund combines high returns with measurablernbenefits for the climate and the respective communities," confirms StephenrnBrenninkmeijer, founder of Willow Investments, long-time board member of thernEuropean Climate Foundation and responsAbility Participations AG.




Aboutrnthe asc impact forestry fund


The asc impact forestry fund is a forestry fundrnmanaged by Nixdorf Impact Movement Management GmbH as managing limited partner.rnasc impact GmbH is the investment advisor of the fund. The fund invests inrnsustainable forestry projects in Sub-Saharan Africa, aiming to sequesterrnsignificant amounts of CO2 and have a positive impact on local communities.rnInvestment opportunities are spread across different countries in Sub-SaharanrnAfrica, for example Angola, Ethiopia and Congo-Brazzaville. The current dealrnflow amounts to a project volume of EUR 200 million with a target return ofrnaround 19% net IRR.




Dr. Matthias Schulz


Managing Director


Mobile: +49 152 01929878






Christian Winkler


Managing Director


Mobile: +41 78 715 55 40











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